20 plus years of experience in managing and solving complex Incidents by using the most advanced Problem-Solving techniques in the industry!

Based in our solid experience in quality, root cause analysis and complex field failure resolutions, we perform a combination of problem solving techniques, along with statistical & six sigma concepts suitable to prevent recurrence of incidents addressing:
Technical root cause
failure mode

Escape point
failure on detection

Systemic root cause
referring to Quality management systems

Are you experiencing Quality issues with Suppliers?
Through our demonstrated experience, and hands-on work on root cause analysis using the most advanced problem-solving techniques in the industry, we are well positioned to assist you!

Incident Investigation & Root Cause Analysis
Our execution strategy incorporates proven RCA methodologies, extremely qualified personnel, and a highly responsive approach to managing deliverables.
Following is a description of our project methods, including how the project will be developed, a proposed timeline of events, and reasons for why we suggest developing the project as described below.

ROLTO Quality Solutions LLC.- All rights reserved

ROLTO Quality Solutions LLC.- All rights reserved