ROLTO QS Supporting the Community
Rolto's commitment to good citizenship is a fundamental part of creating sustained value for our society. Through substantial Professional service donations , educational institutions and many other organizations that contribute to the well-being of communities and individuals . Applying our resources in this way enables us to make a tangible difference in countless lives around the world.
In determining eligibility for making a Professional Services contribution, ROLTO Quality Solutions considers proposals that meet the following criteria:
Must be a U.S. 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization, school or educational institution, or the equivalent if an organization is located outside the U.S.
Supports Rolto Quality Solution's focus areas of:
Education: We contribute through educational programs focused on Quality related subjects and other related services provided by Rolto Quality Solutions LLC.
Quality Consulting Services: We contribute through Professional coaching focused on improving and/or Implementing Quality Management Systems and other related services provided by Rolto Quality Solutions LLC